
Coming soon....

In 2016, nearly 250,000 people are legally paid less than the minimum wage, on average, less than $2 an hour.

“Bottom Dollars” is an hour-long documentary that exposes the exploitation of people with disabilities through personal stories and expert interviews. It also presents clear employment alternatives with competitive wages and community inclusion.

A full playlist of the Bottom Dollars’ chapters is available for free

Vocational Rehabilitation Information

Check out our videos on Competitive Integrated Employment

Fact Sheet about Employment Discrimination

Person Centered Planning

Person-Centered Practices (PCP) assist individuals to have control over the life they desire and engage fully in their communities. These practices assist everyone (individuals who receive services, family members, staff, organizations, and systems) in creating a positive and meaningful life, building on an individual's unique interests and strengths.

North Dakota is developing a strong and consistent statewide vision and universal understanding of person-centeredness across all North Dakota Department of Human Services (ND DHS) entities and community partners.

Together we will:

  • Bring diverse voices to the table
  • Support individuals participating in services and statewide system change efforts
  • Transform policies to reflect statewide person-centered values and culture
  • Ensure communication is accessible and relatable

about person center planning

As part of the statewide commitment to unify efforts, each ND DHS division will engage in a Self-Assessment process to establish baselines on how person-centered the division currently is, create action plans, and measure progress toward building a more person-centered system.Learn more about North Dakota’s commitment to Person-Centered Practices

As part of the initiative, North Dakota developed anAsset Map, a working document, used as a tool to:
•Document Existing Stakeholder Engagement Assets: Target Groups and Initiatives
•Encourage Systematic and Strategic Thinking About Next Steps, Ultimately Saving Time and Resources
•Reference When Brainstorming Potential Target Groups to Engage
•Expand and Improve on Current Systems and Processes Within the ND DHS

This Asset Map is not intended to be a directory of service providers.
Protection & Advocacy Project will update the Asset Map quarterly. Pleasecontact uswith additions or revisions.