Students with disabilities have the right to a free appropriate public education. P&A works to advocate for educational rights for individuals with disabilities in the areas of least restrictive environment, positive behavioral supports, elimination of seclusion and restraints, use of shortened school days, disability-related suspensions or expulsions, and denial of 504 disability-related accommodations that risk health and safety.
Common Ground
Common Ground is a resource for students with disabilities, family members, educators, and related professionals. It is designed to provide digestible explanations of complex federal laws that ensure access to education for students with disabilities. By providing foundational information on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Common Ground creates a basic understanding of educational rights. Common Ground also explains various processes relative to the education of students with disabilities, builds skills for conflicts resolution, and teaches easy-to-implement advocacy strategies.
IEPs, 504s and Least Restrictive Environment
Individual Education Programs (IEP), Section 504 Plans (504 Plan), and Least Restrictive Environment are essential elements of a successful educational experience for students with disabilities. Check out these resources to learn more.
Individual Education Program Factsheet
What's the Difference Between an IEP & 504 Factsheet
Least Restrictive Environment Factsheet
What's the Difference Between IEPs and 504 Plans Video (Spanish / Closed Caption)
School to Prison Pipeline
The school to prison pipeline is a system of policies and practices that push students with disabilities out of school and into the criminal/juvenile justice system. It's a national problem that disproportionately impacts students with disabilities, students from low-income families, and students that are part of racial minority groups. Watch the video to learn more.
Restraint & Seclusion in Schools
Seclusion and restraint are procedures that limit a student’s ability move freely. A better response to disability-related behavior is positive behavioral interventions and supports. These are educational practices that promote positive student behaviors and avoid rewarding negative behaviors. Check out these resource to learn more.
Restraint & Seclusion Factsheet
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports Factsheet
Department of Education's Stance on Positive Behavioral & Interventions & Supports Factsheet
Secondary Transition
Did you know there is a FREE app to help teachers, parents and IEP team members engage students in the post-secondary transition planning process? It’s called Transition-ND and it was developed to ask simple questions of students so that they can provide more detailed input regarding their IEP transition plan. It only takes 15 minutes to produce a simple individualized draft transition plan. Download the FREE app from the Google Play or the iTunes App Store.