What can CAP do to help you?
  • Inform, advise, and help you understand available services and benefits provided by VR, the CILs, and Tribal VR Programs.
  • Explain what you, as an applicant or recipient, need to do to get services and benefits.
  • Assist and advocate in the relationships with projects, programs, and services provided by these agencies.
  • Investigate questions or complaints and help you work with your counselor to try to resolve the problem.
  • Pursue administrative, legal, or other appropriate remedies to ensure the protection of your rights.
  • Assist in appealing decisions made by your counselor.
  • Help you access services through individual and systemic advocacy.
  • Provide information about services and benefits available under the Rehabilitation Act and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Your Rights Under the Rehabilitation Act:
  • To apply, or to reapply, for services.
  • To make meaningful and informed choices about the services you will receive.
  • To participate in the planning of your goals and your services.
  • Confidentiality of your case record.
  • To review information in your case file.
  • To appeal any decision regarding the provision of services you disagree with using administrative review, mediation, or fair hearing.
  • To consult with your counselor before your case is closed.
  • To be informed of the availability of the Client Assistance Program.
  • To receive services without regard to race, national origin, sex, age or disability.