State Capitol

State Resources

Legislative Council Information Center
Legislative Council information on how a bill becomes a law, how to contact legislative entities, how to testify before a Legislative committee, and lobbyist registration.

Legislative Bill Tracking System
There is no user fee for this new application. The application is available for Internet users and state agency users.

National and Federal Resources

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
A coalition of national consumer, advocacy, provider and professional organizations headquartered in Washington, D.C.

Cornell University Law School - Legal Information Institute
This is a research and electronic publishing site with laws, court decisions, and other legal resource information.

How Our Laws Are Made
A basic outline of the numerous steps of our federal law-making process from the source of an idea for a legislative proposal through its publication as a statute.

The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is to make federal legislative information freely available to the public. Features include: Bills, Resolutions; Activity in Congress; Congressional Record; Schedules, Calendars; Committee Information; Presidential Nominations; and Government Resources.