North Dakota Protection & Advocacy Project (P&A) provides services statewide to individuals with disabilities of all ages at no cost.
Information & Referral
P&A provides information and answers questions about disability-related issues. When appropriate, an individual is given information about other resources, including other organizations that may be able to provide assistance. This service is available to anyone and does not require a determination of eligibility.
Advocacy Services
P&A employs Disabilities Advocates to provide self-advocacy assistance and represent eligible individuals with disabilities whose rights have been violated or who are being unlawfully denied access to services. The Advocate may use various methods in representing an individual including writing letters on behalf of the person, making telephone and personal contacts, participating in team meetings, filing a formal complaint, and assisting with communications between the individual and their attorney.
Legal Representation
P&A provides representation by an attorney for administrative hearings or court proceedings. Note P&A is committed to resolving issues at the lowest possible level. Additional eligibility criteria apply to legal representation.
Protective Services
P&A receives and screens reports of alleged abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals with disabilities. If there is probable cause, P&A conducts an investigation, completes risk management, and provides recommendations.
Assistance with Self-Advocacy
P&A provides advocacy skills development for groups of individuals seeking to advocate for themselves regarding disability issues.
Education & Training
P&A conducts trainings on disability-related issues. Topics include the role of P&A; abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals with disabilities; investigations process; the Americans with Disabilities Act; the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; employment rights of individuals with disabilities; workplace accommodations; legislative processes; voter education; and other disabilities rights issues.
Systems Advocacy
A systems issue is a disability-related problem that affects a group of individuals similarly. Each year P&A prioritizes systems issues on which to focus its advocacy efforts.
Legislative Advocacy
P&A is active in disability-related policy and assists individuals or groups with addressing issues on a local level.